Private Erotic Activities for Pleasure and Entertainment Purposes ONLY


Credentialed or licensed healthcare services NOT OFFERED HERE


Site owner / private erotic services provider is NOT a licensed person, he does NOT “practice” “Healthcare.” Nothing in this site should be construed as an offer for any form of massage or Touch, for which a license, credentials or certification is required. If you are seeking:


An LMT, LMP, Credentialed Masseur or Masseuse, Massage Practitioner, Massage Therapist, Massage Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Massage Technician, Massage Technology, Massagist, Myotherapist or Myotherapy, Touch Therapist, Reflexologist, acupressurist, Body Therapy or Body Therapist, or any massage modality in the context of “health care,” Therapy, Treatment, or any medical context, You will need to search elsewhere. None of these services are available here in any way shape or form.


All references to the words “Massage” or “Touch” are used in (this site in) the context of Erotic, Sensual, Amorous, caressing, stroking, stimulating or pleasuring. The word “professional” in this site means skilled in sensual artistry, polished and correct in behavior. It does not imply any form of health care profession or certification.


Site owner / erotic services provider Is a NON-Entity, NON-Person, Private corporeity (individual) offering unique erotic “pleasure” experiences. All erotic or sensual activities that visitors, friends and companions choose to participate in as a consenting adult’s are at NO COST or compensation of any kind. This is not a business or commercial enterprise of any sort.


Activities can be scheduled as “Dates” using the calendar found on this site. Dates are private and between the parties and are not subject to the Jurisdiction of the State of Washington.


Site owner / erotic services provider believes the following human interactions described within this site, are examples of the colloquial, vernacular uses of the 4,000 year old word “massage,” or “touch,” and other (non) medically proprietary, NON-Healthcare words that ordinary sexually healthy human beings might use to seek resources for private interpersonal human needs.

Consider me here as an opportunity to experience something fun and exciting, not healthcare or medical in any way shape or form. I expect that you may feel better after a session with me. You should not consider a session with me legally as any more than a “hook up.” What is different is a session with me will “feel” professional, as it is all about you.


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